Improve Your Posture.
Improve Your Life.

Halo Products are designed to promote proper spinal alignment and support, leading to long-term postural improvements.

All of our comfortable, high-quality, and durable products have been extensively tested and approved by experts in neurological and postural correction.

Halo Posture Head Weights

Halo Posture™ head weights address poor posture by providing a gentle yet effective way to strengthen muscles and promote proper alignment of the cervical spine. Here's how they work:

  1. Anterior Head Weighting: Halo Posture™ head weights apply a controlled amount of weight to the front of the head, which helps to counterbalance the effects of forward head posture. This weight encourages the muscles at the back of the neck to engage, promoting better posture over time.
  2. Proprioceptive Feedback: Wearing the Halo Posture™ head weights during activities helps to improve proprioception, which is the body's sense of its position in space. This feedback loop helps users become more aware of their head position and encourages them to maintain a neutral spine alignment.
  3. Muscle Strengthening: Halo Posture™ head weights engage the neck muscles, particularly the extensors, which are often weak in individuals with poor posture. By strengthening these muscles, the Halo Posture™ head weights help to support the weight of the head more effectively, reducing strain on the neck and shoulders.
  4. Postural Correction: Over time, consistent use of Halo Posture™ head weights can help retrain muscles and habits, promoting a more natural and healthy head position. This can lead to improvements in overall posture and a reduction in symptoms associated with poor posture, such as neck and shoulder pain.

Posture Guardian Posture Correctors

  • Discover the Posture Guardian—an unparalleled solution amidst the myriad of posture correction devices available today.
  • Unlike others, it stands out by offering dual support for pivotal areas crucial for genuine posture enhancement: the C curve of the neck and the alleviation of forward rounded shoulders. Most devices do not make any contact at all with the lower neck.
  • What sets it apart is its ability to actively engage the slow-twitch postural muscles which uphold the spine as opposed to merely the voluntary muscles you engage for movement.
  • Designed with precision, the Posture Guardian empowers you to effortlessly engage in various activities—be it sitting, walking, running, or exercising—for prolonged periods, ensuring comfort and support throughout.
  • Improved upper body thoracic posture, and cervical lordosis (curve of the neck).
  • Improved results for those seeking to support and improve results under a Chiropractor's care.

Other Halo Posture Products Available To Medical Professionals

The Halo Head Weight works on many levels! As a holistic practitioner, I recommend it to my clients’ as a simple, effective stretching tool to release musculo-skeletal pain and stress.
Maury Liwerant, Holistic Practitioner