About Us

We Are A Family Run Business
We are proud to be a multi-generational, family-run small business. All of our products are made in San Diego, California

At Halo Products, we are dedicated to crafting comfortable, high-quality, and durable handmade products designed to enhance your well-being. Our mission is to promote better posture and overall health by providing effective solutions that are accessible to everyone.

With a focus on patient engagement, all our products undergo rigorous testing in clinical settings to ensure their effectiveness and safety. Endorsed by experts in functional neurology and spinal weighting correction, our range of products are designed to support you in achieving optimal posture and alignment.

We believe that everyone deserves to experience the benefits of improved posture, which is why we strive to offer our products at affordable prices. From head weighting solutions to support braces, each Halo Product is crafted with care and precision to help you live a healthier and more comfortable life.

Join us in our journey towards better posture and well-being. Explore our range of products and discover how Halo Products can make a positive difference in your life.


Incredible Benefits

Dear Scott;

I wanted to send you a quick note describing the incredible benefits I have seen in patients with a common (and commonly missed) spinal instability resulting from auto collision trauma. As you’re likely aware, the cervical spine is often injured in auto collisions. In fact, considering the results from several recent studies, the percentages of those involved in auto collisions that suffer some degree of permanent injury is right around 50%.

Permanently injured tissues can include bone, ligament, tendon, intervertebral disc, or muscle. We have been using Halo Posture products to address the instability resulting from traumatic injury to the spinal ligaments, specifically those located at the top of the cervical spine. Injury to the Alar Ligament(s) can result in a very problematic spinal instability of the upper cervical spine, as it can affect blood flow to the brain. In my clinic, we have found Halo Posture products to be especially helpful in the rehabilitation of such instability, although this happened somewhat by accident.

In the mid-2000s, we began using Halo Posture products to help address anterior head posture in our patients. Some of our auto trauma patients had received head weighting rehab protocols for their anterior head posture. Coincidentally, a handful of these also had significant instability at C1-C2 secondary to Alar ligament injury. Once these patients completed their rehabilitation and were re-examined, we noticed that their instability had greatly improved. This stood in contrast to the patients who’d suffered Alar ligament injury but didn’t have forward head posture, and therefore hadn’t received Halo Posture rehabilitation.

After some study, we realized that the same suboccipital muscle groups that help restore normal posture when strengthened (namely the Obliquus Capitis (OC) Superior and Inferior, and the Rectus Capitis Posterior (RCP) Major and Minor), also help to stabilize the Occiput-C1-C2 joint complexes. As such, we recommend and utilize Halo Products for not only Forward Head Posture, but for serious spinal instability.

Jack Sells D.C.

Highly Recommend!

For 16 years I have been teaching approximately 35 seminars per year and I also have an active private practice.  Along with the clinical information, I demonstrate products that provide additional solutions to assist doctors while helping their patients.

After much success with the seminars and in my practice, I was introduced to the Halo Posture Head Weighting System. I immediately recognized the improvement in the quality of this product, compared to anything similar in the industry. The Halo Posture Head Weighting System also provides a therapy for the cervical spine and the nervous system that I was not currently using.  The progressive system that starts with a symmetrical 1 lb head weight, then progresses to the anterior 1 lb weight, 2 lb weight, etc. is perfect for addressing a patients individual need and providing  a progression to be able to maximize the healing and strengthening benefits and to enhance structural correction.

We also incorporate the head weights with various dynamic movements, such as standing up from a chair, lying to standing, etc. We also use Halo Posture head weights with other rehabilitation equipment.  There is the benefit of increasing neurological recruitment while doing a variety of band exercises for shoulder and/or pelvis while using the head weights.  We have also seen the Halo Posture head weights work amazingly well when athletes incorporate it with the use of a “Calf Master” for performance training.

I highly recommend any professional include the use of the Halo Posture Head Weighting System by itself or along with their other treatment protocols as a valuable addition to their practice.

Jerome Rerucha D.C., B.S., C.S.C.S., C.H.P.S.

Powerful at preventing and reversing forward head posture and text neck.

Halo Posture head weights are one of the most powerful ways of preventing and reversing Forward Head Posture, Text Neck as well as their related symptoms and dysfunction. This ingenious device accomplishes its’ goal in two ways.

First and foremost, the Halo Posture head weights serve a strengthening tool not for a single muscle but, for the entirety of the body’s uprighting and anti-gravity system – all the way down to the feet. These muscles perform their anti-gravity functions both subconsciously and isometrically and they must be conditioned and trained in the manner in which they operate if meaningful progress is to be made. These head weights make that possible.

Second, these head weights enhance proprioception and therefore physical awareness of head position. By alerting the head’s relationship to the gravity line, the brain is forced to recalibrate muscular tension of muscles throughout the body to bring the head back in line with the pull of gravity. By physically moving the head back in line with the body’s center of gravity, cervical lordosis is encouraged, the alignment of facet joints improves and the body as a whole moves into a more efficient position from which to resist the pull of gravity.

All in all, the Halo Posture head weights create the perfect environment for generating lasting postural change in the body.

Yoni Whitten, D.C., C.C.W.P.

Backed by X-ray and DMX analysis.

Early in my Chiropractic career I found adjusting patients and seeing positive results in subjective complaints was nice, however I was still frustrated not achieving consistent, measurable, objective results in terms of correction on x-ray. So around 2006 I began to study all the techniques and information available to achieve better improvements. Since then I have used everything from Pettibon and their rabbit ear bar-style head weights, to CBP, to the CLEAR Institute methods. All of these techniques have made great advancements and I am grateful for their contributions to our great profession.

As time advanced, naturally there is an evolution in the products that are available. Old bar- style weights, while they served their purpose, had the disadvantage of leaving dents in foreheads and often resulting in headaches of their own. Not to mention the drops and falls that resulted in many reports of broken tiles and blackened toes. From there I actually produced my own head weights for a while, filling velcro strapped bags with lead shot purchased from a local gun shop. While much more comfortable they lacked refinement. So finding the Halo Posture, I was thrilled with the quality of the design, the comfort of the materials to the wearer, and the time it saved me in having an economical and versatile product I could stock readily for all of my patients.

For years now, while I individually evaluate each patient’s needs through extensive x- ray, and now DMX analysis, I find the vast majority of my patients respond best to the Halo Posture of all the products we’ve tested. Best of all, patients who are prescribed and involved in home therapy and rehab take greater responsibility for their care rather than holding the doctor solely responsible. This makes for a true partnership which brings great rewards to all involved.

Through DMX analysis I then designed the Posture Trainer in coordination with Halo Products who now manufacture the product. This was a perfectly matched partner for the Halo Posture further helping to maintain an upright posture while encouraging normal spinal curves. Through this combination we are now achieving posture correction better than ever before, more reliable and consistent scoliosis reductions than ever before, and recording predictable patterns through initial testing that we use to more efficiently manage patient care. This makes the whole process more satisfying for the patient, more affordable due to less waste in ineffective components of care, while also maximizing profitability for the practice. I encourage all concerned health care providers to put these points into practice because poor posture is a global epidemic, and these devices provide the best means of support available today.

Dr. Michael Bucknell

Long term results!

As a physician who works with many patients suffering from prior concussions or brain injuries, as well as chronic neck pain and headaches, I often find a relative deficiency of proprioceptive (position) awareness of the head and neck following prior trauma, which then impacts posture, breathing, and chronic muscle tension. For the proper patient, the Halo Rejuvenator helps to provide that normal and crucial feedback to the brain, and significantly improves the balance and postural re-training which we are performing. These functional improvements impact and reduce symptoms in a long-term and sustainable fashion.

David Lindemann, M.D.

Relief right away!

When I start to get a headache, I try to treat it early. Not everything works for me and I’m always skeptical about new products. But, when I used the “Halo” for the first time, I felt relief right away.

Debbie Bischel

It works!

Often my neck spasms when under stress and is compounded when sitting in front of the computer for hours. I have been using the Halo for a month. IT WORKS… the pain goes away within 10-20 minutes.

Kate Woods

Works on many levels!

The HALO works on many levels! As a holistic practitioner, I recommend it to my clients’ as a simple, effective stretching tool to release musculo-skeletal pain and stress.

Maury Liwerant

Don't have to depend on medication anymore!

I often suffer from neck and shoulder pain due to tension and stress. For several years I have relied on medication such as Ibuprofen, Tylenol, and Advil to relieve the pain. The medication provided only temporary relief, to a permanent problem. I have finally found a way to control the pain without depending on medication.

Doris Charles

The pain quickly goes away!

I’ve been using Halo everyday for about 15-30 minutes and it DOES WORK! I get pain when I work on computer for a long time (It seems the source of the pain is coming from my neck) but after using the Halo, the pain quickly goes away. It’s really amazing why a simple device like this can work like this.

Shinya Suzuki

I feel better and more refreshed!

I love using the Halo because it makes me sit up straighter in my office chair. I am in my chair for 6 to 8 hours a day and the Halo helps make my posture straighter. I feel better and more refreshed after using the Halo! It’s kind of like a cup of coffee to keep you going. It’s a very simple idea that I am surprised no one has thought of before. At least it is finally here!

Dennis DeSouza

The best home exercise unit that I have used to date!

The Halo Rejuvenator is helping my patients with chronic head, neck pain and upper body musculo-skeletal pain. It is the best home exercise unit that I have used to date for these specific patients. It is cost effective and requires minimal office time to demonstrate.

Peter L. Kopko, D.C.

I love the Halo Rejuvenator™

I love the Halo Rejuvenator. As a harpist, my neck, back and shoulders are prone to over use and injury, and used to be chronically painful. Now, with just a few simple movements, the Halo Rejuvenator has put my neck back on track and feeling wonderful! My shoulders are more flexible and relaxed, my arms do not get as tired…even when I play for hours.

Melissa Morgan

I was amazed!

After using the Halo Rejuvenator to help heal the tension in my chronic neck pain from sitting in front of the computer all day, I was amazed! I no longer go home and take a pain killer to help the tension go away. Now, I just put on the Halo during the day and it helps my neck stay loose throughout the day!

Dan J Smith

I can say goodbye to headaches!

I love it! I can say goodbye to my headaches the heathy, natural way. I’m a wife, mother, trainer, runner, and basically an all-around active person. For years my neck and shoulders were constantly sore. NOT ANY MORE!

Moji Austell