The proportionately weighted headband enhances specific balancing protocols to increase core body strength and balance.
The concept of using weights to correct imbalances in posture was first described by Nicolas Andry, the father of orthopedics, in 1741. When the Halo Posture™ is worn, the body reacts to the weight by shifting its center of mass in the opposite direction, to compensate for the increased load.
The nervous system of the body adapts in time and need to its environment. When a weight is placed on the body in the appropriate manner, and worn for a period of time, the body will adapt to this new position and gradually develop a permanent, healthier, and more balanced position. This reduces stress and strain upon the muscles and can also help reduce symptomatic neck pain.
They can be effective for Tilt. Simply turn the head weight emphasizing more weight to the side of the head with Tilt and visually establish whether Tilt has improved.
Although results vary from patient to patient, most doctors versed in head weighting protocol agree that to achieve maximum long-term results, a patient should wear the head weights daily for a minimum of 20 minutes for 60 to 90 days. Activities such as walking, using a treadmill, exercise ball or vibration board will accelerate proprioception and increase stimulation of the righting reflexes. It is important to stress to the patient that continued use (once or twice a week) of the Halo Posture along with adjustments is important to maintain the results they achieve after 60-90 days.
Yes. All the Halo Posture head weights (except the 1 lb Posture) have two velcro adjustable straps to accommodate all head sizes. The 1 lb Posture has one adjustable strap.
Please contact us and we will provide you with the billing codes.
These instructions are provided for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health professional before using this device or starting any new treatment or making any changes to existing treatment.
Do not delay seeking or disregard medical advice based on these instructions. No health-related information provided herein is regulated or evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and therefore the information should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease without the supervision of a medical doctor or other qualified health professional. Not responsible for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages resulting from any defect, error or failure. Use at your own risk.
Additional Warnings:
This product is intended as a neck training device for properly instructed individuals only, please use only as directed.
If a user of this product experiences pain in the head, neck, and/or shoulder area, this could be a sign of a more significant head, neck, and/or shoulder problem and the product should no longer be used and the user should consult a Health Care Practitioner immediately.
Do not use while operating or riding in a motor vehicle or heavy equipment. Remove before driving. Remove before sleeping.
Never use as a pillow, necklace, floating device, or toy. Not a life saving device. Not a flying toy; do not throw, do not puncture or tear. Keep away from fire or flames. Do not use in microwave oven.
Under penalty of law, the warning tag on product not to be removed.